Recent work from the lab, lead by first author Dr. Rachael Stickland, was featured in the closing highlights session of the annual meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. The meeting, held virtually for the first time, brought together over 5 thousand clinicians and scientists in the field of MRI and medical imaging for a week of talks, poster presentations, and virtual discussion. Dr. Stickland’s work was selected and discussed by Dr. Kevin Murphy (Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Center), and demonstrates our lab’s proposed technique for characterizing the responsiveness of brain blood vessels using a simple, feasible, breathing task protocol during scanning. Congrats to all the authors!
Molly Bright elected to the ISMRM Brain Function Study Group committee
PI Molly Bright has just been elected as secretary of the Current Issues in Brain Function Study Group of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. She will be introduced formally at the annual meeting in Montreal, and will have a 4-year tenure advancing through the committee positions until finishing as Chair in 2023.
All interested in imaging brain function are invited to attend the study group meeting in Montreal, which will be held on Tuesday, May 14th, 13:30-14:30. We’re looking forward to working closely with the committee and members of the study group!
Abstracts accepted for ISMRM meeting in Paris
Three abstracts from PhD students have been accepted for poster and oral presentations at the annual meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) being held this June in Paris, France.
Congratulations to Elena Kleban, Rich Dury, Yasser Falah, and Kingkarn Aphiwatthanasumet on your success!